Thursday 9am-3pm
Friday 9am-3pm
Saturday 9am-3pm
Sunday 9am-3pm
(open until sell out - get here early for best selection)
Can't make it those days
You can always request a special order with us.
Please see our special orders tab for special order items. Join our mailing list (bottom of the page) or follow us on Instagram or Facebook to stay up to date on events and specials.
To Place An Order Request, Please Email us at
1001 Trevilian Way, Louisville, KY 40213
We do NOT offer online ordering through any apps. Please do not use Toast or DoorDash as a reference for what we currently have available.

1001 Trevillian Way

Smør is the Norwegian word for butter. We chose this name to represent a foundational truth of quality baking...butter is better! Our flagship flavors hail from our Nordic heritage, but we are a bakery of resource, and utilize our local agriculture whenever possible. We love clean flavors, whole grains, and unique design. Our bakery culture is centered around the term “lagom” - not too little, not too much. We aim to nourish our customers with balanced, clever, delicious baked goods as well as inspire them with the spirit of Nordic hospitality.